Tuesday, November 17, 2009

News about Radio Jarocho

After a long while of not reporting news about Radio Jarocho, here we are again, giving you the latest about this wonderful son jarocho band. The cd that we just released has brought us plenty of attention and more than one gig. Only three weeks ago, we had a "school series." We performed at Puente Highschool in Brooklyn, at Rutgers University in New Jersey and at Columbia University in Manhattan. All of these presentations were related to Día de Muertos and we were more than happy to share our music with the Mexican and Latino communities. Sadly, these performances occurred once our friend and requintero Carlos Salazar moved back to Austin, Texas, where he is from. We are definitely going to miss him!

In all the time we didn't post on this blog, many things happened. Radio Jarocho performed at the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C. for Independence Day celebration, which we've heard, was broadcast on national TV in Mexico. For that gig, our dear friend Alec Dempster played with us and brought some of his wonderful art to show. Check his catalog at http://www.alecdempster.com/index.html. When Alec was still here, we were invited to play at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian as part of the festival Celebrate Mexico Now! It was one of our best performances yet.

Please check out the latest edition of the blog Daniel en Nueva York where Radio Jarocho is featured playing "El Torito Jarocho" at Terraza Cafe. Also, you can now buy Radio Jarocho's music on iTunes. Pretty exciting business!

If you have been missing the fandango, here are two opportunities for you to come join us in our celebration: we will be performing at Barbés on November 19 at 8:00 p.m. and at Camaradas del Barrio on December 18th at 10:00 p.m. So, keep logging on and enjoying the music from the Sotavento!